How to Help AIDSLaw of Louisiana, Inc.
Membership in AIDSLaw of Louisiana, Inc.,
brings you our quarterly
and invitations to events. All contributions are tax deductible
to the extent allowed by law and all names are kept confidential.
Please make checks payable to AIDSLaw of Louisiana, Inc.
Return this page to AIDSLaw of Louisiana, Inc., P.O. Box
30203, New Orleans, Louisiana 70190.
In addition, AIDSLaw has the cooperation of
almost 100 attorneys across the State of Louisiana who
assist our clients on matters that are outside our grant
guidelines or that we are unable otherwise to handle.
Please consider being a volunteer attorney. For more information,
please contact Aimee Dugas at
Junior Partner - $25 - $50
Senior Partner - $51 - $100
Trial Judge - $101 - $250
Appellate Judge - $251 - $500
Justice - $501 & above
Name _____________________________
Address ___________________________
City ______________________________
State ________________ Zip _________
Telephone (_____)__________________
____ Please send me information on volunteer